JRS invites foundations to accompany, serve, and advocate with us for refugees.
The current refugee situation is one of the biggest humanitarian challenges of our time. Only by joining forces can we offer enough seats in schools, support families to put food on the table, and help refugees, both individuals and communities, to recover from the stress and rupture experienced in conflict, flight, and exile.
Together we can do more
For JRS, partnering with foundations means creating more impact with fewer resources. It helps to capitalise on one another’s strengths. Be it through technical expertise, financial support, or connecting us with new networks and partners, foundations play a crucial role in helping JRS to deliver quality services to refugees around the world.
At JRS, we are always looking for new partners who share our goals and priorities, and want to work together for a more just world. We are eager to help you implement your foundation’s strategy for humanitarian work to create long-lasting change.
You may already have an idea about how you would like to make an impact in the lives of refugees, and are looking for an implementing partner; or perhaps you are already contributing to the wellbeing of refugees, but are looking for fresh opportunities to expand your humanitarian outreach. We would be glad to inform you about our projects, our impact, and our accountability and monitoring processes. Please contact us to start the conversation. Let us together take the first step towards a new partnership that changes lives.