
17 Apr, 2024

JRS USA released a new policy brief investigating migrants’ digital practices at the US/Mexico border.

JRS USA released a new policy report investigating the digital practices of migrants at the US/Mexico border. JRS Staff at the border wall in Ciudad Juárez (Jesuit Refugee Service).
26 Mar, 2024

JRS released a report that explores the obstacles to secondary education for girls in Kakuma refugee camp, fostering more equitable education systems and sustainable communities.

JRS released the report, "Breaking down barriers: increasing girls’ access to and completion of secondary education in Kakuma refugee camp." Girls attending classes at the Tumaini secondary school, in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya (Jesuit Refugee Service).
05 Mar, 2024

JRS joined the call for the effective implementation of the right to peace at the 55th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council.

JRS and the Islamic Religious Community of Italy call for a ceasefire and lasting peace in the Middle East.
23 Feb, 2024

The One Proposal is the coordinated response of the Society of Jesus to the crisis in Ukraine following the outbreak of war.

The One Proposal is the coordinated response of the Society of Jesus to the crisis in Ukraine following the outbreak of war. JRS team in Ukraine (Sergi Camara/Jesuit Refugee Service)
13 Feb, 2024

To help you enter this Lenten season, JRS humbly offers this spiritual booklet, to bring us into communion with the forcibly displaced.

A woman walking in a camp in Renk, South Sudan, where people fleeing the conflict in Sudan are seeking refuge.
07 Feb, 2024

The research delves into identifying content for a new curriculum that aims to equip boys with essential knowledge and life skills to prevent gender-based violence in refugee settings.

The research delves into identifying content for a new curriculum that includes life skills training for boys to prevent gender-based violence.
30 Jan, 2024

At the Global Refugee Forum, JRS signed on to pledges in the areas of Education, MHPSS, Climate Action, Rohingya, and Refugee Participation.

At the Global Refugee Forum, JRS signed on to pledges in the areas of Education, MHPSS, Climate Action, Rohingya, and Refugee Participation.
06 Dec, 2023

The research explores the factors that enable and challenge the potential of Accelerated Education Programmes in supporting the advancement and completion of secondary education and the extent to which SAEPs are gender-responsive.

A former SAEP learner at Adjumani Secondary School in Uganda shared challenging and enabling factors based on her experiences.
03 Dec, 2023

The guide on inclusive education aims to enhance and bolster inclusive education projects and to guide JRS staff in the field in creating a more inclusive learning environment.

Daniela Bruni, specialist in education in emergency contexts for JRS, has developed a guide to inclusive education.