Promoting life skills training for boys and youth to prevent gender-based violence in refugee settings

07 February 2024|Cristóbal Madero SJ, Jill Drzewiecki, Giacomo Concina|Publication

Related: Education, Protection

The research “Promoting Life Skills Training for Boys and Youth to Prevent Gender-Based Violence in Refugee Settings” delves into identifying content for a new Boys’ Club curriculum. This curriculum aims to equip boys with essential knowledge and life skills while challenging traditional gender norms and stereotypes.

These norms and stereotypes are the root cause of gender inequality and limit girls’ and women’s access to opportunities, including transformative education, fuelling gender-based violence (GBV).

GBV is a pervasive phenomenon within society, affecting individuals of all genders, especially those living in crisis and conflict situations.

To effectively prevent GBV, education for both girls and boys plays a crucial role. Schools are vital, protective spaces for educating and building a new culture of rights based on non-violence, mutual respect, and gender equality. This approach is not limited to educating girls about their rights but also extends to educating boys on the rights entitled to girls.

The report was written by Cristóbal Madero SJ, JRS Education Consultant, Jill Drzewiecki, JRS Gender-Responsive Education Specialist, and Giacomo Concina, JRS Education in Emergencies Assistant.