Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Secondary Accelerated Education
06 December 2023|Policy & Advocacy

When conflicts and crises, marginalisation, and poverty cause disruptions to learning, Accelerated Education Programmes (AEPs) can offer children and young people the opportunity to continue their education. AEPs allow them to access flexible, age-appropriate pathways to primary and secondary certification in a shorter time frame.
While there is ample evidence on the effectiveness, potential, and challenges of implementing AEPs at the primary level, limited research exists at the secondary level.
Accelerate with Care: Towards Gender-Responsive Secondary Accelerated Education is a report produced by JRS and the Secondary Education Working Group (SEWG), with the support of the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG) of the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), to examine the relevance and adequacy of Secondary AEPs (SAEPs). The research explores the factors that enable and challenge the potential of SAEPs in supporting the advancement and completion of secondary education and the extent to which SAEPs are gender-responsive.
The report will be launched in a webinar hosted by INEE in collaboration with JRS, AEWG, SEWG, and UNHCR. It will also be presented in Geneva at the Education Campus link event of the 2023 Global Refugee Forum.