
Our work in Singapore

JRS Singapore was established in the early 1980s to address the Vietnamese Refugee and East Timor crises.

Today, it runs various programmes, including one developed with JRS Asia Pacific that focuses on digital education, life skills, and professional development for refugees, with internships offered through values-aligned partners to provide practical experience.

Through outreach efforts, JRS Singapore raises awareness of the challenges faced by refugees, displaced persons, and victims of human trafficking. It also provides volunteers with opportunities to engage virtually and in person with migrants and refugees, fostering meaningful interactions and supporting initiatives that uplift vulnerable communities.

JRS Singapore team members at the Mae Hong Son Camp for Anti-Human Trafficking Training.
JRS Singapore team members at the Mae Hong Son Camp for Anti-Human Trafficking Training. (Jesuit Refugee Service)
JRS Singapore team members visiting the Mae Hong Son Camp for a JRS Teacher’s Training.
JRS Singapore team members visiting the Mae Hong Son Camp for a JRS Teacher’s Training. (Jesuit Refugee Service)
JRS Singapore visit to Bogor to support the LEARN Project.
JRS Singapore visit to Bogor to support the LEARN Project. (Jesuit Refugee Service)